Monday, July 26, 2010

Your Father is the One…

When I was a little kid, there was one thing happened to me which let me real feel the love of my daddy. That was a spring night, I was about 2 years old. My dad went out to shopping for me, and I was left alone at home. You know that it was such a long time when I was alone at home, so I went out and tried to found my daddy. In the way, for my boy-like appearance, a hateful old lady stolen me and put me into her car, trying to bring me away. When I was sitting in her hateful car, I was crying loudly as well as loudly, hoped my daddy could hear me and rescue me. Then my police uncle appeared and brought me back to home. Also in the other way, my daddy was looking for me for a very long time. He was shouting, crying as well as running to find me. Then after knowing it was in vain, daddy backed to home, just waiting for my coming. When he saw me, his eyes were filled with tears, just like I was not the real his daughter any more, like dreaming. Then I was held into his huge warm arms, tightly and tightly. My daddy was crying loudly and abused himself over and over again…Now there was nothing but daddy’s love. He was crying for a very long time.

Now I had grow up, and knew more things about my daddy. He is the only man who will protect me all time long, with no complain; he is the only man love me with his unselfish love and contributions all his life, no matter I was a girl or a woman, he is the only man who will act like a baby when he is old, just want your more love for him. He can be your friend, your lover, your brother as well as your good teacher in your whole life.

Father is so great when you need a warm from him, his shoulders will always be waiting for you with no complain; Father is so handsome when you are in the time of being married; Father is so cute when he is too old to protect you. Now please try to love your old father more from this moment on because he is no longer young like before. What he needs more is your love.

Article Source:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Taboo of Living in Summer

Now it is the hottest time in summer, so there are something we should avoid doing in summer, in this passage, there is something to tell you to help you have a better life.

Don’t drink tea with empty stomach
In summer, people are becoming weak than any season, and if they eating more tea with empty belly, then the yang in their body will be consumed fast. Also if the person who likes something too salty, then after drinking more tea with empty belly, he will fell weak than ever, and the disease like diarrhea, cold will come to find him. Do if you like drinking tea in summer, then you’d better do it after your meal, and 2-3 cups a time, and once you feel empty, you’d better stop drinking at once.

Don’t bathe with cold water
Especially in summer, people will sweat more than ever, and at this time, the chill can easily go into people’s body which will cause people feet cold, cramps, fever, etc. So if you do like bathing in the hot summer, you’d better bathe with hot water as well as take care of catching a cold then.
Don’t eat more cool foods.

In hot summer, more and more people like eating something cool or refresh, like watermelons, ice creams as well as some fresh fruits and vegetables, but it is not good for your healthy. If you are the person who is weak and has some stomach illness or digest illness, you have to avoid eating cool foods especially at night or you will get abdominal distension and diarrhoea.

Anyway, a healthy living way is also necessary in summer, hope every one can lead a healthy life here.

Article Source:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Small Projector for Laptop: Guide on Choosing and Buying Them

Small projector for laptop is a good choice if you are traveling a lot and making business presentation in a rush and want to make a good impression while on the move. Small Digital Projector can also be used as a backup if the main projectors will not operate under any conditions. This article will guide you on choosing and also how to buy them.

First of all, to get the projector that best suited for your needs, you need to answer these simple questions:

How many people will be there when you are doing the presentations?

Just get the average number, don’t need to be exact with this. These criteria will help you choose the requirement you need. The more people viewing the presentation, the more you should choose the size of the projected image in the projector. This is because the more people, the more people there are to be far away from your screen. That’s why the projected image needs to be larger as well. Another criterion you should consider when choosing a digital projector is the Lumens. It is the measured number of brightness in projectors. The more audience you will get, the Lumens number should be increased as well. Most consumer
Digital Projector has between 800-2200 Lumens.

How is the light condition?

Ambient light can make or break your presentation. In a perfect world, using a dark room, you will get the best image regarding the projector brightness. But in a common presentations, you should light up some ambient to let your audience taking notes, getting eye contact and other interactions. For a simple guide, follow these to select a projector based on lighting:

1000-1400 Lumens (very little or no ambient light – very dark)
1500-2000 Lumens (dimmed ambient light)
2100-3500 Lumens (normal ambient light)

If you are going to do outdoor presentations, make sure that you cover your screen in a shade to make the pictures visible.

Projector function

Here goes the big question, are you buying the
Digital Projector just because it is cool or you are buying the functionality? In either way, you should know and need the thing first. It’s a nightmare to put your digital projector on the shelf and not using it at all because it simply doesn’t work. The main functionality you should get is the projector’s resolution. A general guide to this are:

- SVGA resolution projectors (800×600) are best for displaying large text or less detailed images.
- XGA resolution projectors (1024×768) are the most common and are compatible with the vast majority of PCs and DVD players.
- SXGA (1280×1024) and SXGA+ (1400×1050) resolution projectors are appropriate for displaying engineering drawings, digital photography, HD applications or other images of a highly detailed or technical nature.


Before buying the projector, make sure that you have enough money. But if budget is short, you can try to get cheaper projectors. Nowadays you can even get a cheap digital pocket projector for under $200 like Optima PICO PK100

Hopefully this guide will give you some thought on choosing the small
Digital Projector for your laptop.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

An Amazing Way to Connect with Your Skype Contacts

Remember the days when it was impossible to keep in touch with friends and family while traveling abroad or even cross country, because the phone bills would be so astronomically high? Forget about cell phone calling. We all thought our problems were solved with the advent of USB Skype Phone, but even Skype requires getting to an Internet cafe and hoping your Skype contacts will be online. Well, the days of being chained to your computer or stuck in an Internet cafe are over thanks to Skype Mobile. Like Skype, Skype Mobile allows you to chat with people around the world, but this time around you can chat from your mobile phone, bringing a whole new level of connectivity to your life.

Like I said, USB Skype Phone is a completely free application that can be downloaded in the Android marketplace or Blackberry app world. I’m using a Motorola Droid on the Verizon network so once I downloaded the Skype app I was ready for business. Downloading the app just meant agreeing to a few terms, like that Skype will not be used for emergency calls, but rather those will be completed on the Verizon network. Once I agreed, the app prompted me to enter my Skype username and password. Of course I forgot my login and password so I had to refer to to retrieve this information since there was no option within the app to do so. My recommendation would be to set-up the app before you embark on your road trip and remember your password, because there’s also no option to “remember” it once you sign into the app. Once I logged in, the app asked if I wanted to import any of my regular contacts into Skype – I of course clicked yes, and my Skype contact list grew by about seven people. The USB Skype Phone app lets you add three types of contacts to your Skype contact list: Skype contacts, SkypeOut contacts, and contacts imported from the phone’s native phone book, all of which are indicated by a different icon. You can also change your user profile within the Skype Mobile app with options like Full Name, your various numbers, and Mood.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Multimedia Projectors: How They Can Help Your Sunday School & Children’s Church

Did you ever think of using small Multimedia Projectors in your Sunday School or Children’s Church? I’m not a very good geek. I’d like to be one, but alas know too little about technology and am dependent on the kindness of strangers when it comes down to it. If you’re like me (or especially if you’re not!) you’ll appreciate this information on a neat little piece of gadgetry that even a technology-challenged person like me can make use of in children’s ministry!

Portable projectors (small digital Multimedia Projectors) have been around for a few years, but I only discovered them a couple of years ago as I was searching around for a way to display images to help illustrate and punctuate Bible lessons. It’s a pretty neat concept and of course like all digital technology, these multimedia projectors will keep improving over time. What I was looking for was something cost-friendly that I could use with my laptop to throw a picture onto a wall or screen in any room. Enter portable projectors: smaller, more lightweight, not quite as powerful but less expensive and just as effective for small applications as the fancier ones. They are marketed as portable business projectors, but they are very hand for education too.

Ways to Use Portable LED Projector in Children’s Ministry

So how do you use the things? Simply plug the projector into your laptop or other device, point its lamp toward a wall and voila! There are your song lyrics, slide shows, Scripture passages and Jelly Telly videos displayed for all to see…no more need to have the kids’ crowd around your laptop. There’s more to it, of course, than that; these can range in price from $210-$750, depending on the size and specs you want, and there is more information about lumens, lcd versus dlp projector capabilities and such you’ll want to understand before you buy. These gadgets are a great idea for small rooms and modest needs. A portable LED Projector can be used in virtually any room where the lighting can be dimmed or is not overly bright to begin with; they are completely portable, can be used with laptops, iPods or other devices, depending on the model, and can be gotten relatively inexpensively.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Skype Phones Extend Free Internet Calls

Skype phones extend free Internet calls one-step further. With USB Skype Phone, you can throw away the headsets and use a hard phone that looks and feels like a traditional phone. Skype is currently the largest, free Internet telephony software maker in the world and moving into the Skype phone market, as opposed to the pure desktop software market, is a leap ahead.

Skype, based in Luxemburg, has offered free worldwide peer-to-peer Internet telephony (VoIP) service for several years now. What this means is that you download the free Skype software onto your PC, Mac or PDA (or a few other devices), install the software, plug in your headset and start talking for free to friends worldwide that also have Skype installed. If you'd rather can someone on a traditional landline or cellular phone, then Skype also offers deeply discounted rates for this service as well.

Skype has also teamed up with phone-maker Siemens to help penetrate the cordless market. Siemens has developed a USB adapter that lets
USB Skype Phone users plug-n-play a cordless phone into their PC's. The Siemens Gigaset M34 USB PC adapter works with the recently launched Gigaset C340/345 and Gigaset CX340/345isdn, Gigaset S440/445 and Gigaset SX440/445isdn, Gigaset S645 and Gigaset SL440.

Skype WiFi phones are on the verge of becoming a reality. PDA-maker, i-mate has already introduced its wireless PDA device proloaded with Skype software. CEO Niklas Zennstrom reported that a mobile version of Skype will be available this year at the April 2005 VON Conference in Toronto.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Many Uses for Multimedia Projectors

A person who is going to incorporate the use of Multimedia Projectors into their work platform will find that there are many different sizes, designs, styles, and types of projectors to choose from. The type of project that is selected will depend on where it will be used and whether or not it will need to be mobile.

Many small businesses find that the versatility of an ultra light projector meets all of their needs. These projectors are very light weight and usually weight less than five pounds. They provide a resolution and lumens up to 500 which monitors the brightness of the slide being shown.

Most projectors are now manufactured with the capability to be used with a computer, DVD, VCR, HDTV, or video games. The ultra light projector is normally used with a computer and wireless mouse which allows a person to effectively project a slide show in a small room. There are many options available with these projectors that expand the uses for the projector, however most people choose the basic unit with ports that allow it to be used with their laptop computer.

Conference room projectors are larger and used in larger areas. These Multimedia Projectors usually are attached to a cart that has wheels and can be moved from room to room easily. The projectors have more built in options than the ultra light projector and rather than relying on automatic default adjustments to brightness and contrast, an individual can make manual adjustments to accommodate the light in the room where the projector is being used.

Larger projectors normally have software and equipment included that must be installed on the laptop or computer that is going to be used with the projector. The software adds to the flexibility of the projector and an individual is able to make manual adjustments to color, contrast, and brightness of the projector to accommodate the light levels in the room where it is being used. These projectors have larger cooling fans and are very durable.

When a projector is needed for a stationery location and will be used for a wide range of multimedia efforts, the fixed installation projector is often a wise choice. These projectors usually weigh several hundred pounds and are installed in the back of large auditoriums or rooms. The Multimedia Projectors have image quality that allows it to be seen clearly from any area in a room and provides several built-in options that are not available with smaller projectors. The split screen feature that can be used during meetings and web-casts provide a business with an additional level of communication with business associates and employees.

When selecting the fixed installation projector a business will find that they have computer components built into the projector that allow presentations to be downloaded to the projector. The result is that the presentation is clear, crisp, and can be shown on a split screen that encourages interaction with attendees. The projectors also have a recording device included that allow the presentations to be recorded and shown again when desired.

Choosing from the many Multimedia Projectors available will give an individual the opportunity to personalize their presentations and keep the equipment they need in one centralized location. The appropriate size projector will provide the kind of resolution, contrast, and brightness that will be needed in the rooms where they are used. A person who travels a lot will normally find the more mobile, ultra light projectors, with their automatic adjustments will provide the quality that they want for their presentations.